Tampón de recuperación de ADN FlashGel, 2 viales de 500 µl

Direct DNA recovery using The FlashGelRecovery System eliminates agarose gel preparation, band excision and purification. The system delivers highly efficient recovery, free from inhibitors and UV-induced damage, in a simple 5-10 minute protocol.
Go from sample loading to recovery in just 5 minutes
Recover samples directly from the cassette, without band excision or purification
Visualize sample recovery at the bench, without UV light Recover at 80% - 100% efficiency
Fast simple procedure
Load samples in top tier of wells
Run until band of interest almost reaches the second tier of wells (2-5 minutes)
Stop the run and add FlashGelRecovery Buffer. Start and run band into the well.
Stop the run and remove the DNA from the well(s).
The FlashGelRecovery System eliminates the need to cut away and then purify bands. As DNA migrates to the second tier of wells, it is free from the agarose matrix and easily extracted via pipette, with the aid of the FlashGelRecovery Buffer. Samples are recovered at 80% - 100% efficiency, free from inhibitors and ready for subsequent re-amplification, cloning or other techniques, without additional purification steps.
Aplicaciones | Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) |
Categoría de Producto | Reactivos |
Temperatura Envío | Ambiente |
Temperatura Almacenaje | Ambiente |
Disponibilidad | Bajo pedido |
Equipos Asociados | FlashGel |
Ref Dutscher | H357060 |
Caracteristicas | The FlashGel System gets straight to your results. Simply load samples, watch bands migrate and get data in as little as 2 minutes. Say goodbye to gel preparation, band excision, purification, and UV light. Complete separation, recovery and documentation safely, at the bench, in minutes. The FlashGel System for fast electrophoresis consists of enclosed, disposable, precast agarose gel cassettes and a combination electrophoresis and transilluminator unit. The FlashGel System for fast electrophoresis of DNA or RNA is the ideal sample screening tool. Check up to 32 PCR or restriction fragments quickly without having to plan your day around agarose gels or verify your RNA sample integrity prior to downstream analysis. Direct DNA recovery using the FlashGel System for fast electrophoresis and recovery eliminates agarose gel preparation, band excision, and purification. The system delivers highly efficient recovery, free from inhibitors and UV-induced damage, in a simple 5–10 minute protocol. |
Marca | LONZA |
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