Kit de detección de micoplasma MycoAlert, 1 kit de 25 tests

The MycoAlertMycoplasma Detection Kit is a selective biochemical test that exploits the activity of mycoplasmal enzymes which are found in all six of the main mycoplasma cell culture contaminants and the vast majority of 180 mycoplasma species, but are not present in eukaryotic cells. Viable mycoplasma in a test sample (cell supernatant) are lysed and the enzymes react with the MycoAlertSubstrate, catalyzing the conversion of ADP to ATP. The ATP is then transferred into a light signal via the luciferase enzyme in the MycoAlertReagent. By measuring the level of ATP in a sample both before (read A) and after the addition of the MycoAlertSubstrate (read B), a ratio can be obtained which is indicative of the presence or absence of mycoplasma.
MycoAlertAssay Control Set (available separately)
The MycoAlertAssay Control Set includes a lyophilized positive control and assay buffer for reconstitution. The assay buffer also serves as a negative control. The positive and negative controls are designed for use with the MycoAlertMycoplasma Detection Kit. It is recommended to always include the Control Set to ensure that the operator and all of the assay reagents are performing properly. The positive control is proprietary, but does NOT contain mycoplasma. The positive or negative control is simply substituted for a sample in the standard assay protocol. The positive control will give a ratio of >1 while the negative control will give a ratio of <0.9.
Aplicaciones | Bioensayos |
Categoría de Producto | Kits detección micoplasmas |
Temperatura Envío | Ambiente |
Temperatura Almacenaje | Refrigerado 4º |
Disponibilidad | Entrega inmediata |
Ref Dutscher | H3LT07-218 |
Caracteristicas |
Marca | LONZA |
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